Sunday, August 06, 2006

Moody me.

Was feeling abit down for the past few days.Did managed to brush it off for the past few days.But today it got worst.The feeling was too strong to be brushed off.I was feeling moody.

My mind and heart decided to betray me today by having images of him flashing in my mind and creeping into my heart.

What the heck Gen.Why are you thinking of him??You shouldnt be stopping your feet.You should be marching on.You have been doing good and why are you stopping now???Get up on your feet and move on.Be a good gal.

I have been doing okie all these while.Moving on.But it seems that I will stop once in awhile to look back and I have choosen today to be the day.Think it will take me sometime to completely move on and having to smile at myself when I look back.

I believe time will heal the wounds and I will continue to move on.

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