Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Saturday...

I spent my saturday afternoon watching Marley and Me.

Cried at the part when the family bid their last goodbye to Marley.

I cant imagine how hard I will cry when Magic's time come.

That will be in another 10 yrs time. I supposed.

Magic, please be strong and healthy.

Saturday night was spent at a cafe at nee soon south CC with my family to celebrate my dad's 47th Birthday.

Happy Birthday, Dad!!!

Ended the night with a mask.

I must say biore facial scrub and ann sui oil control mask work well together.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hoping Mad...

I never felt so mad before.

Guess someone has tested my limits and drove me to a corner.

Friday, April 03, 2009


Everyone in the office except for the Manager is going for holiday in June.

I'm leaving for Bail on the 7th June.

My accountant is leaving for Japan on the 13th June.

While my the other colleague is leaving for US on the 24th June.

I cant wait for June to come!!!