Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A peaceful week...

The week went by peacefully.

I have been a good gal this week.

I partied less.

Clubbed only once, at dlb O on a Saturday night.

Sang only once, with Xiufang and Irene on Friday.

Dined only once, at Paris with my Taka colleagues on Wed.


I shopped TWICE this week.

Once with my mum and once with Xiufang.

I bought 2 pairs of shoes in one goal.

That's the 3rd pair of shoes I bought for this month.

Nothing else caught my eyes except for a halter neck blouse.

I have a new look...=)

Went for a haircut on Saturday.

My hair is damn short now as compared to last time.

From waist length to shoulder length.

Its been ages since I have shoulder length hair.

Its Asian Cup Finals with the gals tml.

Singapore VS Thailand.

GO, Singapore!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


A same question was asked by 2 different people on a same day.

I was shocked.

I freaked out.

One claimed he was joking.

I heaved a sign of relief.

I treasured our friendship alot.

He was a great buddy.

Didnt wanna jeopardise our friendship.

The other claimed he was serious.

He blurred out everything that night.

I freaked out alittle upon hearing it.

Probably becoz of the great setback with Jeff which left a fear in me.

Most importantly, I enjoyed my single hood now...=)

I finally recovered from everything and found my old self back.

So I dun wanna plunged in so fast.

I still wanna have fun..=p

I told him how I feel and he respected it.

Will anything happen in the near future??

Shall wait and see...=p

Ending the entry with a song by 戴愛玲_對的人 .

Loved the song.

It described how I view and feel about relationship now.


Saturday, January 20, 2007


I finally found it.

Here it goes:


A holder for my accessories collections, earrings in particular.

Been hunting it for very long and guess where I found it??

The school bazaar!!!!

Bought it at a cheap price of $24.

It can hold up to 60 pairs of earrings.

Fantastic for someone who is obsessed in buying earrings like me..=)

Now my earrings have a place to call home.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Another marvellous week.

The week was marvellous..=)

School has started and I managed to have 3 days week.Something to rejoice.

Had more lunch and dinner dates.

Lunched at Yishun Laska House.The Laska still taste as good.Yummy!!!

Dinner at Dim Tai Feng. The sua kui me thought it was some posh restaurant.But it wasnt.The food wasnt that fantastic. I still prefer Crystal Jade.

Dinned at Taste of Thailand and Hanabi on Thursday and Friday respectively.

Fondue at Hagen Dazs, followed by brownie mud pie at NYDC.

What a sinful week...=p

More partying.

Zouk.St James. Dragonfly. MOS.

Clubbed with project superstars contestants.

Michelle.Kenny.Jeremy Chan.

I still prefer MOS on weekends and not forgetting Zouk on a mambo night..=)

More drinking sessions.

Apricot brandy. Chive as. Vodka. Jim Bean. Johnny Walker.Whisky.


More Ktv sessions..=)

Celebrated 10th years of friendship with the 2H Gang.It was nice meeting and catching up with old pals.

Gotten myself a belated Christmas present.

Nokia N73.

Finally found my shoes.

But I'm greedy.I want more..=p

I have been spending way too much.

Its time to curb my spending habits.

I'm falling sick.

Itchy throat. Hoarse voice. Non-stop of sneezing.

The wound on my right thigh is healing.

All thanks to the damn ex centellase ointment ($16.80) which I have been faithful applying every morning and night.

Naughty Magic.

I enjoyed myself on Thursday.

Thanks for the night.

I miss Magic and Junior.

I'm deprived of sleep.

I seriously need my beauty sleep.

Night everyone.


Found myself back in this familiar place.
Theres this fear in me when I stepped into this once familiar place.
Perhaps I'm not ready for it.
Perhaps theres something I'm afraid of.
I'm not too sure too.
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Great Week

The week couldnt be better..=)

Shopping,clubbing,ktv,working,movies and mahjong.

It was shopping day on New Year Day and Sunday at Town and Bugis with Xiufang.Gotten quite afew stuffs. The plan was to shop for bag, leggings ,shoes and retro top. In the end only gotten the bag, the leggings and the top.Bought a few more stuffs which werent on the list-2 demin skirts and 3 pairs of earrings. The earrings were so so cheap and beautiful that I couldnt resist it. 3 pairs for $5 who can resist it.

Seems like I'm into accessories,shoes and vintage stuffs recently.

Clubbed at Zouk on Wed, the first mambo for the year 2007 and dbl 0 on Friday.The first mambo of 2007 wasnt that fanastic as compared to the last of 2006.The girls went crazy at
dbl 0. We finished 2 jugs of liquors, voka orange and Jin tonic in less than 5 minutes that the guys were dumb founded when they saw the empty jugs.

Ktv session was at The One Ktv with Jean, Gerald and Jackson on New Year Day. Had a fun time singing and drinking with them. We sang for 6 hours. Gerald introduced us a new drink, Chives green tea + Tequilla.No doubt it tasted bad.

Watched A night at the mesum on New year eve. A lame but funny show. No harm watching it for a good laugh.

Mahjong session was with Kelvin, Edmund and Yonghao on Saturday. Edmund was the big winner while I'm the loser of the game.=( Its been ages since I played mahjong. Its time to polish up my skills. Mahjong anyone??

Monday, January 08, 2007

Late Greetings

Its already the 8th day into the new year and I have yet to send my greetings to all.

Happy New Year Everyone..=)

Sorry for the late greetings have been busy recently.

Its the time of the year again where one reminisce about the year 2006 and find themselves embracing in the hands of 2007.

The first half of 2006 was smooth-sailing for me.
Had my internship with EM services.
Realised that property management is not my cup of tea.
The second half was a tough one.
Experienced a great setback in a relationship.
Fights and quarrels arisen.
Friendships were put to test.
Experienced how ugly and devilish one can be under circumstances.
Having to lose someone who is special and dear to me to another world.

Though it might be a tough period for me, there are sweet moments as well..=)

Attended the gals convocation in July.
Counting down to mine.
Gotten myself 2 bubbies, Kangwei and Stewart.
Whom never fail to brighten up my day.
Constantly checking how am I.
Feel like a little princess whenever I'm with them.
Developed a stronger relationship with my cousins, Xiufang and Junhao.
Weekends are always fun with them around.
Had a bunch of new and crazy friends.
Kelly,Rene,Jiahui,Kelvin,Colin,Edmund,Ah Lai, Sebest,Yonghao and Zhengyong.
Hanging out with them was always filled with laughters.
Not forgetting the fun and enjoyable Clubbing, Pubbing and Ktv sessions we always have.

Had a short-lived happiness with the special someone.
Though the time spent together was a short one, 14 weeks to be exact.
It had taught me alot of things.
To be brave and take things to stride.
To take care of myself.
To have my meals on time and go easy on liquors.
It was a tough decision in the end.
But guess it was the best way out for everyone.
You will always be remembered.

It was indeed a tough 2006 for me.
Saw myself becoming braver and stronger.
hmm, maybe on the surface.
Emotionally I must admit I'm still weak at times.
Tough on the surface, weak on the inside.
The traits of Cancerian.

I'm welcoming 2007 on a brighter note...=)
Throwing away all the bad memories
Bringing with me the friendships,both the new and old one.
The memories with Magic and the special someone.

And as for my resolutions of 2007,
I shall be more realistic.
I have only 2 this year.
To get a good prospect and paying job.
and My driving license.
Seems like the latter has been one of my resolutions for years..=p